ReportFactory Tagging Tool Release Version 2.9.0

Dear ReportFactory Tagging tool customer,

we are pleased to announce the availability of ReportFactory Tagging tool version 2.9.0.

In this release, with the biggest change being able to automatically create and adjust block tag properties such as the position, based on pre-existing tagging. Using our Microsoft Word add-in, you are now able to mark the exact portions of the document that need to be tagged, called snippets, directly in Word. A snippet (i.e. the portion of the document being marked for tagging) can contain a single paragraph, multiple paragraphs at once, or a portion of a paragraph. In case you need to tag multiple portions of a single paragraph or multiple paragraphs, you can mark (i.e. create a snippet for) each one individually. Upon importing a PDF generated from the Word document you’ve prepared using snippets, the snippets will be created in the Tagging Tool automatically. If you tagged (i.e.applied positions) to those automatically created snippes, the next time you import the PDF the Tagging Tool will be able to recognize those tags and apply the same position properties to each tag accordingly. This means that you can freely modify the content of the Word document – including replacing it entirely (e.g. when replacing previous year’s content with this year’s one) – as long as the snippets are preserved the tool be able to automatically tag the new report correctly as well.

Thank you for using ReportFactory Tagging tool!

Please visit the following link for a changelog.